The severity of the acute intoxication from buflomedil, a vasodilator
with papaverinic and alpha-adrenolytic effects, remains generally unde
restimated. We report the case of a 18-year-old girl who ingested a hi
gh amount of buflomedil. Two hours later, she developed seizures and v
entricular arrhythmias. On admission to the ICU, she was in circulator
y arrest followed by deep coma with mydriasis (GCS = 3). Buflomedil bl
ood concentration, 2 hours after admission, was 97.3 mg . L-l. Toxicol
ogical screening for other drugs was negative. Therapy included extern
al chest compressions tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, epi
nephrine and gastric lavage. The haemodynamic status improved within t
he first 24 h, although she remained comatose until the fifth day. She
was discharged the eight day after her admission. This observation de
monstrates that the potential severity of buflomedil poisoning is main
ly due to early cardiac complications. Treatment remains purely suppor