The effects of water temperature on oxygen consumption rate of the juv
enile oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana ranging from 0.04 to 4.28 g i
n body weight were investigated individually by a water bottle method
at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 degrees C. Oxygen consumption rate in mi oxy
gen/indiv./h (R) increased linearly with increase of body weight in g
(W) and was expressed as R=aW(b) . C-T for all temperature conditions
(T), where a=0.143, b=0.929, and C=1.069 (n=202). The correlation coef
ficient between R and T was 0.993, and Q(10) showed 1.95 within the ra
nge of 10 and 30 degrees C. The influence of temperature on the oxygen
consumption was relatively constant in the young over 0.48 g up to 4.
28 g at temperature levels under the present investigation. However, t
he effect of temperature upon oxygen consumption rates was larger in t
he younger squid reared at a temperature higher than 20 degrees C. The
metabolism of squid in the early stages before 0.199 g is assumed to
be strongly affected by the differences of water temperature within th
e range of 15-25 degrees C.