Stable chloroplast transformants were first obtained following particl
e bombardment of tobacco leaves, and later by PEG-mediated uptake of D
NA by protoplasts. The transforming DNA in these studies was itself of
plastid origin and carried double (streptomycin, spectinomycin) antib
iotic resistance which was used to select transformants. Integration w
as by homologous recombination, and both donor and recipient were Nico
tiana species. Recent characterisation of plastid mutants of Solanum n
igrum has allowed the extension of this gene replacement approach to i
nclude Nicotiana:Solanum combinations. The introduction of functional
heterologous genes into the plastome is an alternative approach based
on the use of constructs in which a bacterial resistance gene is flank
ed by sequences homologous to a region of the recipient plastome. Thus
homologous recombination in the flanking sequences allows introductio
n of a foreign gene. A large number of putative transformants can be g
enerated by the method, but this apparent attraction is partly offset
by the need for repeated cycles of re-selection to obtain homoplasmic
plants. In contrast, homoplasmy can be accomplished in a single select
ion step using plastome-encoded antibiotic resistance markers. The pla
stome is an attractive target for the introduction of useful genes int
o crop plants, as maternal inheritance acts as an insurance against un
wanted spread of the foreign gene, and the large plastome copy number
ensures immediate gene amplification and may influence levels of expre
ssion. Specific characters encoded on the plastid DNA, including compo
nents of photosynthesis and other aspects of metabolism, will also bec
ome open to manipulation as a consequence of developments in plastid t