A high-resolution metric physical map of chromosome 19q has been const
ructed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The map locates 136 cosm
id reference points that span 30 Mb. The reference points are sequenti
ally ordered from centromere to telomere, and the distance between nei
ghboring cosmids is known from 240 partially overlapping, redundant es
timates of genomic distances in kilobases separating pairs of cosmids.
The average spacing between cosmid reference points is 220 kb, with o
ver 75% of intervals less than 300 kb. Eighty-four genes and polymorph
ic markers have been assigned to mapped cosmids. The information on or
der and genomic distances separating pairs of cosmids, both key elemen
ts for building physical maps, has furthered the construction and inte
gration of the genetic and physical maps of chromosome 19. (C) 1995 Ac
ademic Press, Inc.