The iliopsoas compartment is an extraperitoneal space that contains th
e greater psoas, smaller psoas, and iliac muscles, Many pathologic pro
cesses may involve the iliopsoas compartment, including inflammatory,
hemorrhagic, and neoplastic conditions, Psoas muscle infection is usua
lly due to direct extension from contiguous structures, With the decre
asing incidence of tuberculosis, the majority of psoas abscesses now e
ncountered have a pyogenic origin, Hemorrhage into the psoas muscle ca
n be spontaneous or secondary to various conditions. Neoplastic involv
ement of the psoas muscle is usually due to contiguous spread and is r
arely primary, With the refinement of imaging modalities, there has be
en increased recognition of diseases that involve the iliopsoas compar
tment. Although these conditions may look similar radiologically, they
can be correctly diagnosed by combining the radiologic findings with
the clinical history, Biopsy is effective in diagnosis of such conditi
ons; aspiration and drainage are effective in both diagnosis and thera