Te. Parker et al., MEASUREMENTS OF OH AND H2O FOR REACTING FLOW IN A SUPERSONIC COMBUSTING RAMJET COMBUSTOR, Journal of propulsion and power, 11(6), 1995, pp. 1154-1161
Mixing and combusting high-enthalpy flows, similar to those encountere
d in supersonic combusting ramjet engines, were investigated using a s
hock tunnel to produce the now in conjunction with nonintrusive optica
l diagnostics that monitored the performance of two injector configura
tions, The shock tunnel was configured to produce Mach 3 flow and stag
nation enthalpies corresponding to flight equivalent Mach numbers betw
een 7-11. A pulsed hydrogen injection capability and interchangeable i
njector blocks provided a means of examining high-speed, high-enthalpy
reacting flows, Planar laser induced fluorescence of ON radicals in t
he near-injector region produced images that show the combusting and m
ixing zones fur the reacting flow, Line-of-sight exit plane measuremen
ts of water concentration and temperature were used to provide a uniqu
e method of monitoring exit plane products, Near-injector mixing dynam
ics and exit plane compositions were compared for wall jet and axial i
njection systems. In addition, exit plane measurements indicated that
a quasi-steady-state condition was achieved during the 1- to 2-ms test