This study proposed a theory of community-based development based upon
a case study of the Evangeline region of Prince Edward Island (Canada
). Evangeline is a small Acadian community with an economy that is bas
ed upon an interrelated system of cooperatives. Since general theories
do not provide compelling explanations of how the phenomenon of commu
nity-based development takes place in a particular situation, this stu
dy adopted an inductive approach. Using a tentative theoretical framew
ork derived from the history of the region and from the community-base
d development research literature, the study investigated the actual f
ormation process of four Evangeline cooperatives through interviews wi
th the initiators, a review of relevant documents and participant obse
rvation by the first author. The framework developed in this study pro
poses that effective community-based development must include three es
sential elements: community consciousness; strategies of empowerment;
and the establishment of supportive structures. Each of these elements
has subcomponents that are essential for community-based development.
For community consciousness, these are community attachments and a mo
vement perspective; for empowering activities, these are involvement s
trategies and strategies of self-reliance; and for supportive structur
es, the subcomponents are community development organizations to mobil
ize community resources, and external government and non-government or
ganizations responsive to community initiatives.