We examine the stability of the mass hierarchy in hidden-sector supegr
avity theories. We show that a quadratically divergent tadpole can app
ear at two loops, even in minimal supergravity theories, provided the
theory has a gauge- and global-symmetry singlet with renormalizable co
uplings to the visible fields. This tadpole can destabilize the hierar
chy. We also find a quadratically divergent two-loop contribution to t
he field-dependent Vacuum energy. This result casts doubt on the effic
acy of the ''LHC mechanism'' for controlling quadratic divergences. We
carry out the two-loop calculation in a manifestly supersymmetric for
malism, and explain how to apply the formalism in the presence of supe
rsymmetry breaking to derive radiative corrections to the supersymmetr
ic and soft supersymmetry-breaking operators. Our approach greatly sim
plifies the calculation and guarantees consistency of our results with
the underlying supergravity framework.