Stringent bounds on baryon- and lepton-number-violating interactions h
ave been derived from the requirement that such interactions, together
with electroweak instantons, do not destroy a cosmological baryon asy
mmetry produced at an extremely high temperature in the big bang. Whil
e these bounds apply in specific models, we find that they are generic
ally avoided. In particular, the only requirement for a theory to avoi
d these bounds is that it contain charge particles which, during a cer
tain cosmological epoch, carry a nonzero hypercharge asymmetry. Hyperc
harge neutrality of the Universe then dictates that the remaining part
icles must carry a compensating hypercharge density, which is necessar
ily shared among them so as to give a baryon asymmetry. Hence the gene
ration of a hypercharge density in a sector of the theory forces the U
niverse to have a baryon asymmetry.