Hemostatic abnormalities are rather frequent in cancer patients either
in hematological or in solid tumors. Acute disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIG) is a rare coagulopathy in cancer patients, but when
it develops it becomes rapidly fatal. Between June 1988 and December
1992 we observed 8 cases of acute DIC occurring in gastric cancer (4 p
atients), breast cancer (3 patients) and high-grade non-Hodgkin lympho
ma (1 patient). In 3 patients affected by gastric carcinoma, acute DIC
was the first manifestation of the presence of the tumor, while in th
e other patients DIC occurred during the course of the disease. All th
e patients were treated with heparin, fresh frozen plasma and platelet
support, but only in 1 patient was a short duration improvement of cl
inical conditions and coagulation tests recorded. Acute DIC can be the
first manifestation of gastric tumors and the presence of the hemorrh
agic syndrome associated with thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia and
fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products should initiate a search for g
astric carcinoma.