A framework genetic map of human chromosome 2 is described, integratin
g data from the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) version
6 database, the CEPH chromosome 2 consortium database, the National In
stitute of Health (NIH)/CEPH Collaborative Mapping group and other lab
oratories. A comprehensive map is also presented, showing regional loc
ations of a large number of additional loci. The framework map is used
to identify an informative set of meiotic breakpoints within the CEPH
families, and the utility of this information for mapping new markers
is discussed. The degree of typing error within the data set is estim
ated, as are the sex-specific interference parameters. A location data
base for these genetic and additional cytogenetic data is constructed
using algorithms which map genetic distances on to a physical scale, a
nd the potential for this approach to aid the integration of genetic a
nd physical data is examined.