In the literature different results can be found on the frequency depe
ndence of spaciousness. In three groups of psyche-physical experiments
, having in common headphone presentation of signals and perceived wid
th as subjective criterion, the frequency dependence of spaciousness h
as been investigated systematically. In the first experiment, the perc
eived width of narrow-band noise stimuli at a constant sensation level
of 50 dB was scaled as a function of center frequency, band width and
cross-correlation coefficient. Generally, spaciousness is found to in
crease for lower frequencies. In the second experiment this result was
confirmed also for lower sensation levels of octave-band noise signal
s of which the perceived width was matched against the perceived width
of a white noise stimulus by varying its cross-correlation coefficien
t. The influence of the salience of stimuli was discarded by this proc
edure. In the third experiment, the relative contribution to spaciousn
ess of a single octave-band amidst the complementary band-reject noise
was studied by varying the relative level or the cross-correlation co
efficient of the octave band. It turned out that a frequency band arou
nd 500 Hz is optimal for spaciousness. This result agrees with the dom
inance of this very region for lateralization.