One hundred and ninety-five teeth in 35 patients with periodontitis wh
o had received both endodontic and periodontal treatment were evaluate
d 9 years after endodontic treatment and 8 years after periodontal tre
atment, Some 91.4% of cases were well maintained and 8.6% showed a det
erioration in their periodontal condition. Twelve of the 195 teeth wit
h endodontic treatment were lost, eight for periodontal reasons, three
as a result of fracture and one because of caries, and the periodonta
l condition of 10 teeth had worsened, An apical lesion formed on one t
ooth, The results indicate that the risk of endodontic failure in this
group of 195 teeth is very low, and that there is little risk of toot
h loss for periodontal reasons, provided that the patients receive sup
portive periodontal treatment.