Broadcasting refers to the process of dissemination of a set of messag
es originating from one node to all other nodes in a communication net
work. We assume that, at any given time, a node can transmit a message
along at most one incident link and simultaneously receive a message
along at most one incident link. We first present an algorithm for det
ermining the amount of time needed to broadcast k messages in an arbit
rary tree. Second, we show that, for every n, there exists a graph wit
h n nodes whose k-message broadcast time matches the trivial lower bou
nd [log n] + k - 1 by designing a broadcast scheme for complete graphs
. We call those graphs minimal broadcast graphs. Finally, we construct
an n node minimal broadcast graph with fewer than ([log n] + 1)2([log
n]-1) edges. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.