Gender role perceptions of five objects-Ideal Woman Ideal Man, Most Wo
men, Most Men and Self-were elicited from 3300 university students, 81
% of whom were Caucasian, with 7% Hispanic, 6% African-American, and 4
% Asian. Profiles of student responses for the five objects provided a
comprehensive updating of 1970s research on student gender roles. Wom
en (N = 1842) and men (N = 1148) students generally preferred an andro
gynous Ideal Woman. Women also preferred an androgynous Ideal Man, but
men preferred a masculine sex-typed Ideal Man. Women and men's percep
tions of Most Women and Men continued to be sex-typed Men's self perce
ptions were androgynous, while women saw themselves as feminine sex-ty
ped. Findings suggest that little change in students' gender role perc
eptions has occurred in the past 15 years.