Objectives: Low-lead level exposure has been associated with harmful h
ealth effects, Blood lead is the most widely used marker of exposure,
In this work, our purpose was to evaluate the present level of blood l
ead in a group of 616 subjects from the general population living in t
wo regions of France: Centre and Pays de Loire. Methods: Subjects were
randomly included in the study, Blood lead was measured by inductivel
y coupled plasma mass spectrometry which is the most sensitive and spe
cific method. Results: The mean blood lead concentration of the popula
tion studied ranged from 46.7 +/- 20.5 mu g/l in the 6-10 year old to
86.6 +/- 42.4 mu g/l in the 50-66 year old subjects, From 385 children
under 13 years old, 5 had blood lead higher than 100 mu g/l, the maxi
mum acceptable level recommended by the Americain Centers for Disease
Control Women had lower blood lead values than men and their levels re
mained unchanged until 50 years but increased beyond this age.Conclusi
on: Mean lead levels were low in this French population, There is howe
ver risk of higher levels in persons living in old housing.