To establish Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA)
in non-urban communities which presently use conventional lagoon tech
nology, an investigation was undertaken to evaluate alternatives which
can be used to improve lagoon effluent and establish costs. Evaluated
were the ''Sutton'' and the intermittent sand filtration or ''New Ham
burg'' processes. The Sutton concept consists of a nitrifying extended
-aeration plant followed by polishing lagoons, with waste sludge disch
arged into the lagoons, The New Hamburg concept consists of aerated or
facultative lagoons, with tile lagoon effluent sprayed intermittently
over sand filters. The Sutton plants produce an improved effluent qua
lity relative to conventional facultative lagoons in terms of BOD5 and
TSS concentrations. Increases in ammonia concentration across the pol
ishing pond occur after 5-7 years of plant operation, suggesting a nee
d to implement a regular program of sludge removal from the lagoon. Th
e New Hamburg process results in a significant improvement in effluent
quality in terms of BOD5, TSS, TP, TKN, NH3-N and H2S concentrations.
Approximate capital costs for upgrading the existing conventional lag
oons in Ontario to Sutton and New Hamburg process facilities are estim
ated at US $221 million and US $93 million, respectively.