The phase or state of natural gas during migration determines how much
is expelled and accumulated. Phases of natural gas migration include
water-solution, oil-solution, free gas and diffusion which evolve vert
ically in a sedimentary stratigraphic section. Gas expulsion modelling
must be based on an evaluation of the migration phase. First of all,
the depth limits of each migration phase are determined, then the expe
lled gas quantities in each range are computed individually, and final
ly added together. For oil-related gas, the oil-solution phase is the
most important migration phase: therefore, the expulsion modelling of
oil-related gas can be treated, to a considerable degree, as the model
ling of oil expulsion. A method for direct modelling of oil expulsion
is presented. The concept of equilibrium concentration is particularly
important for gas diffusion modelling. In this paper, methods of mode
lling natural gas expulsion are presented through some specific exampl
es such as South China Sea Basin, Bohai Gulf Basin of east China and S
ichuan Basin of southwest China.