L. Bonafous et al., HIGH-TEMPERATURE NMR OBSERVATION OF MOBILE PHASES UP TO 1500-DEGREES-C, Journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique, 92(10), 1995, pp. 1867-1870
A new high temperature Nuclear Magnetic Resonance device using double
laser heating system has been developed for NMR experiments up to 1500
degrees C. Difficult systems have been investigated, both of theoriti
cal and applied interest. We report here three examples, where the app
earance and the role of mobile species are characterized by Al-27, Na-
23 and F-19 NMR signal evolution with temperature: solid - liquid tran
sition in cryolite Na3AlF6, beta-alpha alumina transformation with flu
oride mineralizer, and the effects of mineralizer CaF2 on the high tem
perature reactions in the clinker formation.