In cattle, as in other species of mammals, creatine kinase (CK, EC 2.7
.3.2) is almost specific of skeletal muscles, myocardium, intestine an
d brain. The MM isoenzyme constitues most of CK in skeletal muscles an
d myocardium and is also the main plasma isoenzyme but the fractionnat
ion of plasma CK isoenzymes has no current routine use. Reference valu
es depend on the technque. With the IFCC (Federation Internationale de
Chimie Clinique) recommended procedure, activities are lower than 100
Un in adults. Plasma half-life is short, about 8 to 9 hours, and musc
le concentration high, about 2 to 5 000 U/g fresh muscle. CK thus is a
sensitive, early and shea-lived marker of muscle damage whatever its
etiology : trauma, physical exercise, decubitus, intramuscular injecti
ons, intoxications, nutritional myopathies, ...