Results for the isovector axial form factors of the proton from a latt
ice QCD calculation are presented for both the point-split and local c
urrents. They are obtained on a quenched 16(3) x 24 lattice at beta =
6.0 with Wilson fermions for a range of quark masses from strange to t
wice the charm mass. For each quark mass, we find that the axial form
factor falls off slower than the corresponding proton electric form fa
ctor. Results extrapolated to the chiral limit show that the q2 depend
ence of the axial form factor agrees quite well with experiment. The a
xial vector coupling constant g(A) calculated for the point-split and
local currents is 1.20 +/- 0.11 and 1.18 +/- 0.11. The central values
are 4% and 6% smaller than the experimental value of 1.254, respective
ly. We also consider the large ma correction and renormalization for t
he axial vector current of heavy quarks.