Radioimmunoscintigraphy and other forms of scintigraphy are becoming i
ncreasingly important as tools in detection and evaluation of cancer d
iseases. Several radionuclides can be considered as radiolabel; howeve
r, Tc-99m may be the most suitable because of easy availability and ne
ar ideal physical properties. This study describes how dextran is coup
led to a monoclonal anticytokeratin antibody, epidermal growth factor,
and somatostatin through stable amine bonds. The dextran moiety could
then be labeled with 40-62 MBq of Tc-99m. The labeling efficiency was
60-94%, determined by gel filtration or TLC. The specific binding cou
ld be con -siderably preserved after the dextranation, the antibody re
tained >90% of its activity, epidermal growth factor bound with >90% s
pecificity to receptor-expressing tumor cells, and somatostatin showed
similar to 40% specific binding to rat adrenal homogenates. Because s
omatostatin only has a transient half-life in vivo, the in vivo plasma
half-life of somatostatin-dextran was tested in normal female Sprague
-Dawley rats. The result showed a strong enhancement of the plasma hal
f-life that was dependent on two compartments, 4 and 8 h.