This paper is based on a research project undertaken for American Expr
ess (AMEX) in Brighten which aimed to identify the economic impact of
American Express on the local economy. A research methodology is emplo
yed which inter alia utilizes concepts drawn from development economic
s, notably, 'economic linkages' and 'enclave development', adapted to
the requirements of the project. We use both quantitative data from th
e firm's payroll and suppliers databases, and interview data from a va
riety of sources to make a judgement about the impact of the firm upon
the locality. We find there are both quantitative and qualitative lin
ks with the rest of the economy. We try to measure both absolute and r
elative impacts of the firm, by making use of different counter-factua
l scenarios. We find a generally beneficial effect of the firm upon th
e locality, in contrast to a number of other studies of mainly manufac
turing plants in other regions.