A 12-year-old girl from Zaire with Aids (CDC: P2 Dl)presented with a g
eneralized molluscum contagiosum infection. She had suffered from syst
emic cryptococcosis and from cryptosporidiosis several months before a
dmission. While molluscum contagiosum infection is usually a self-limi
ting disease in immunocompetent persons, a fulminant appearance and pe
rsistence of giant mollusca occurs with advanced immunodeficiency. His
tological and immuno-histological examinations showed a severe diminut
ion of Langerhans and T cell populations that might enhance the dissem
ination of the infection. Molluscum-like lesions of cryptococci have b
een described, and cutaneous cryptococcosis is the main condition to b
e considered in the differential diagnosis. Further differential diagn
oses should include American and African histoplasmosis, and the cutan
eous manifestations of mycobacterial infections, of toxoplasmosis and
of Pneumocystis carinii infection.