Due to a very complex embryological development a variety of different
tissues are mixed together within the parotid gland. Secondary degene
rative metaplastic and regenerative alterations result in additional t
issue variety. Epithelial cells of distinct differentiation, lymphatic
tissue, partly within lymph nodes, partly in clusters, sebaceous tiss
ue, fat and peripheral nervous tissue may be the origin of a pathologi
cal neoplastic or inflammatory intraparotid lesion. MRI is an optimal
tool for the delineation of the anatomy of the parotid gland and of va
rious intraparotid lesions and permits differentiation malignant and b
enign neoplastic and inflammatory lesions. The morphology of the diffe
rent pathological MRI reflects the histopathology. Due to great interi
ndividual variations in the tissue characterization of a specific intr
aparotid lesion, great differences in MR morphology have to be expecte