Boolean operations between solids can be performed efficiently by oper
ating their respective octree encodings. Face octrees belong to the gr
oup of octree-based representation models. They are approximate repres
entations that are a good compromise between the need to save storage
and the simplicity of the algorithms involved. They are also a good ch
oice for the representation of smooth freeform surfaces. The construct
ion of face octrees from voxel-based volume representations yields a m
ore compact, smoother and further operable encoding. A method of perfo
rming such a conversion is presented. The method consists of two steps
. First, a network of points that represents the volume data is extrac
ted. The extraction is based on the geometrically deformed models tech
nique. Then, the network of points is transformed into a face octree.
In the transformation process, face octree nodes are compacted as much
as possible while the volume data precision is preserved.