A common task in data analysis is to model the relationships between t
wo sets of variables, the descriptor matrix X and the response matrix
Y. A typical example in aquatic science concerns the relationships bet
ween the chemical composition of a number of samples (X) and their tox
icity to a number of different aquatic species (Y). This modelling is
done in order to understand the variation of Y in terms of the variati
on of X, but also to lay the ground for predicting Y of unknown observ
ations based on their known X-data. Correlations of this type are usua
lly expressed as regression models, and are rather common in aquatic s
cience. Often, however, the multivariate X and Y matrices invalidate t
he use of multiple linear regression (MLR) and call for methods which
are better suited for collinear data. In this context, multivariate pr
ojection methods represent a highly useful alternative, in particular,
partial least squares projections to latent structures (PLS). This pa
per introduces PLS, highlights its strengths and presents applications
of PLS to modelling aquatic toxicity data. A general discussion of re
gression, comparing MLR and PLS, is provided.