Renal ultrasound seems to be more difficult on the left than on the ri
ght side. In a retrospective analysis of 343 patients in whom a radica
l nephrectomy for renal tumor diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography h
ad been carried out, we analyzed the characteristics of these tumors.
TNM classification was used. Right kydney tumors (n = 170) were smalle
r than the left ones (n = 172), 58 +/- 31,7 mm and 66,8 +/- 31,5 mm re
spectively, the difference being statistically significant (p = 0,01).
Right kidney tumors of a less advanced stage (p < 0,05). Asymptomatic
renal tumors were found more frequently on the right side (58,7 %) th
an on the left (41,3 %) (p = 0,03) and were smaller on the right (44 m
m +/- 19,6 vs 54,5 mm +/- 27,2) (p = 0,04). In conclusion, Ultrasound
exploration of the left kidney seems to be more difficult, mostly beca
use the exploration of the right kidney is facilitated by the acoustic
window of the liver.