Fourteen patients with hypocellular acute leukemia (HAL) were reviewed
. The median age was 72 years, with an equal male-to-female ratio. Sev
ere granulocytopenia with marrow hypocellularity and increased marrow
blasts and absence of physical findings were common features. The medi
an peripheral blood blast count was 2%. All except 3 cases of erythrol
eukemia had marrow blast count that exceeded 30% of all nucleated marr
ow cells. All cases were classifiable with the FAB criteria. FAB class
ification revealed a preponderance of the M1 category followed by M2 a
nd M6 types. The majority of blasts were type 1 and the median myelope
roxidase positivity was 14%. Immunophenotyping of bone marrow cells by
flow cytometry in 9 cases showed expression of myeloid antigens (CD13
, CD33); 6 cases also expressed CD34 antigen. Significant dysplasia in
volving erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages was seen in most of the
cases. Trilineage dysplasia was observed in 5 cases. Median survival o
f the entire group was 10.5 months. Eleven patients underwent inductio
n therapy, consisting of daunorubicin and cytosine arabinoside +/- 6 t
hioguanine; 8 patients achieved complete remission (72.6%). Remission
duration was 14.5 months. Three patients (27.4%) died secondary to inf
ections during induction therapy. Higher frequencies of trilineage dys
plasia and FAB M6 type together with low percentage of peripheral blas
ts and presence of antecedent hematologic disorders suggest that some
of these cases might represent the hypocellular form of acute myeloid
leukemia with trilineage dysplasia.