Incorporation of low levels of fillers into thermoplastics can often l
ead to an increase in the modulus and a general improvement in the mec
hanical properties. However, increasing the level of filler loading ca
n lead to a dramatic loss of impact strength and related mechanical pr
operties. In this study the pigmentation of polycarbonate (PC) with ti
tanium dioxide (TiO2) is shown to lead to a reduction in the fracture
energy and changes in the failure mechanism of injection moulded test
samples. Electron microscopic examination of the fracture surfaces ind
icates that changes in the failure mechanism are a result of the occur
rence of large areas of densified polymer around pigment particles. De
nsification reduces the extent of segmental motion within the polymer
matrix, as indicated by dielectric and thermally stimulated discharge
current measurements. The influence on the molecular motion and mechan
ical properties of the degree of drying, molecular weight of the polym
er and concentration of TiO2 are reported. Complementary positron anni
hilation measurements allow a tentative mechanism to be proposed to ex
plain the loss of impact strength in these materials. Data is also pre
sented on polybutylene terephthalate (PET) pigmented materials and a P
C system in which the TiO2 has been mixed with polyethylene prior to d
ispersion in the PC matrix. These observations confirm the importance
of polymer-pigment interactions in determining the fracture properties
of samples.