In treating unsteady particle motions in creeping flows, a quasi-stead
y approximation is often used, which assumes that the particle's motio
n is so slow that it is composed of a series of steady states. In each
of these states, the fluid is in a steady Stokes flow and the total f
orce and torque on the particle are zero. This paper examines the vali
dity of the quasi-steady method. For simple cases of sedimenting spher
es, previous work has shown that neglecting the unsteady forces causes
a cumulative error in the trajectory of the spheres. Here we will stu
dy the unsteady motion of solid bodies in several more-complex flows:
the rotation of an ellipsoid in a simple shear flow, the sedimentation
of two elliptic cylinders and four circular cylinders in a quiescent
fluid and the motion of an elliptic cylinder in a Poiseuille flow in a
two-dimensional channel. The motion of the fluid is obtained by direc
t numerical simulation and the motion of the particles is determined b
y solving their equations of motion with solid inertia taken into acco
unt. Solutions with the unsteady inertia of the fluid included or negl
ected are compared with the quasi-steady solutions. For some flows, th
e effects of the solid inertia and the unsteady inertia of the fluid a
re important quantitatively but not qualitatively. In other cases, the
character of the particles' motion is changed. In particular, the uns
teady effects tend to suppress the periodic oscillations generated by
the quasi-steady approximation. Thus, the results of quasi-steady calc
ulations are never uniformly valid and can be completely misleading. T
he conditions under which the unsteady effects at small Reynolds numbe
rs are important are explored and the implications for modelling of su
spension flows are addressed.