Far-red-emitting cyanine fluorochromes have many properties desirable
for in vivo imaging: absorption and emission at wavelengths where bloo
d and tissue are relatively transparent, high quantum yields, and good
solubility even at high molar ratios of fluorochrome to antibody. Pot
entially, conjugation by multiple linkages should minimize hydrolysis
in vivo. We conjugated two tumor-targeting monoclonal antibodies: anti
-SSEA-1 (IgM, kappa) at ratios of 1.2-35 mel dye/mol antibody and 9.2.
27 (IgG(2a), kappa) at 0.6-6 mol dye/mol antibody, using the cyanine f
luorochromes Cy3.18, Cy5.18, and Cy5.5.18. Nude mice were inoculated u
sing the SSEA-1-expressing MH-15 teratocarcinoma or the 9.2.27 antigen
-expressing SK-MEL-2 melanoma to give tumors at several sites. Conjuga
ted antibody was injected, and mice were imaged immediately after inje
ction and at appropriate intervals thereafter using a standard camera
lens, dissecting microscope, or endoscopes. Images were acquired using
either an image-intensified video camera or cooled CCD cameras. Immed
iately after injection, major blood vessels and the heart, liver, and
kidneys were readily visualized. After 1 day, tumor-targeting antibody
conjugates were concentrated in tumors and there was little circulati
ng conjugate; however, the bladder and kidneys were still visible. Tum
ors labeled by specific antibody were the most fluorescent tissues at
2 days after injection, but non-specific antibody conjugates did not c
oncentrate in the tumors. The small intestine was weakly visualized by
both specific and non-specific antibody conjugates. These data suppor
t the possibility of visualizing tumor metastasis by optical means, in
cluding currently available endoscopes.