The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence and type of activ
ating point mutations at codons 12, 13, and 61 of the Ki-, Ha-, and N-
ras genes in a series of early gastric carcinomas in white patients an
d to correlate these ras gene mutations, if any, with the histological
type (Lauren classification), the type of growth pattern, and with th
e Helicobacter pylori status. Haematoxylin and eosin and Giemsa staine
d sections from 45 formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded early gastric
carcinomas were used to assess the Lauren type, the type of growth pa
ttern, and the antral H pylori status. DNA was extracted according to
standard procedures. Mutations at codon 12 of the Ki-ras gene were exa
mined with a polymerase chain reaction based restriction fragment leng
th polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method and dot blot hybridisation with alle
le-specific P-32-labelled oligodeoxynucleotide (ASO) probes. All other
ras genes were analysed with specific PCR amplification and dot blot
hybridisation with ASO probes. Mutations were detected by overnight au
toradiography at -70 degrees C. Some 20 Netherlands intestinal-type an
d 25 diffuse-type early gastric carcinomas were seen. According to gro
wth pattern, there were 24 small mucosal type early gastric carcinomas
, five superficial spreading type early gastric carcinomas, and 16 pen
etrating type early gastric carcinomas (four penetrating A type, 12 pe
netrating B type). H pylori was found in the antral mucosa of 28 early
gastric carcinomas (62%). Activating ras gene mutations were not foun
d. It was discovered that activating point mutations at codons 12, 13,
and 61 of the Ki-, Ha-, and N-ras genes do not play a part in the dev
elopment of early gastric carcinomas in white subjects, irrespective o
f Lauren type. Moreover, differences in biological behaviour between e
arly carcinomas with different types of growth pattern are not related
to these ras gene mutations. Finally, H pylori positive and H pylori
negative gastric carcinomas cannot be discriminated on the basis of ra
s gene mutational analysis.