To understand the dynamics of culture change we must have artifact des
criptions that allow us to: (1) identify the sequences of acts in trad
itional ways of making artifacts; (2) isolate the evidence for a given
act such that it may be examined and, if necessary, manipulated to as
sume alternate states and/or values; (3) assign greater or lesser anal
ytical value to the various acts in a sequence; and (4) create explici
t criteria for assigning greater or lesser value to the occurrence ord
er of acts in a sequence. These conditions can be met by a production
stage grammar of and for artifact analysis and description. This point
is illustrated by developing a production stage grammar for a sample
of early Upper Republican ceramics from om four sites in north central
Kansas A similar approach to the study of Woodland stage ceramics fro
m the same area is then used to identify, those modifications of potti
ng practices that would indicate a Keith variant ancestry for Upper Re
publican wares.