Pleasantness is important in influencing food choice, and may play a r
ole in determining the amount of food consumed. Judgements of pleasant
ness decrease as the food is eaten. It has been proposed that this ref
lects the development of satiety to a specific food. However, consumer
s may not rate these changes as important in meal termination. Fifty-s
even subjects were given ad lib access to a test meal of cheese on cra
ckers and at the end of this meal recorded the main reason for stoppin
g from a possible seven statements. They then rank ordered the importa
nce of each reason. One hour later, subjects were offered a choice of
the same food, a different food, or no second course. Again reasons fo
r stopping were recorded by those who selected a second course. The mo
st common reason given for meal termination in the first course was ''
I got tired of eating that food'' (40%) and for the second course ''I
felt full'' (48%). Subjects were divided into those who rated fatigue
and changes in pleasantness as important and those who rated fullness
as more important. Significant differences in intake between these gro
ups indicated that those who rated fatigue/hedonics as important consu
med significantly fewer calories (275+/-23 kcal) than those who rated
fullness as more important (424+/-65 kcal). It is argued that fatigue
experienced by subjects may reflect sensory fatigue and that this is a
n important part of the development of sensory-specific satiety. Since
subjects who rated gastric fullness as the most important reason for
terminating the meal consumed more calories, it is suggested that this
index of satiety may be relatively more crude than sensory or hedonic