Background. Melanoma, once considered a rare form of cancer, is increa
sing in incidence throughout the world. The prognosis of malignant mel
anoma is inversely related to the depth of tumor invasion. Methods. Tw
enty-seven patients were treated with r.IFN alpha 2c. Four patients we
re treated with human natural leukocyte interferon (HNLI). Interferon
was applied locally. Historical control groups were used for compariso
n in the statistical analysis. The data were evaluated taking into acc
ount the single risk factor Clark levels III and IV. In the control gr
oup there were 10 patients with Clark levels III and IV; in the group
of r.IFN apha 2c-treated patients there were 20 patients. The data wer
e analyzed by using the Kaplan-Meier and Cox methods. Results. The per
centage of survivals was higher in the interferon-treated groups with
Clark levels III and IV, than in the control group, that is 60% compar
ed to 25%, and 40% compared to 33%, respectively. The results of the s
tatistical analysis after 60 months of follow-up are significantly bet
ter in the interferon group (P = 0.0175). Conclusions. The control gro
up was not selected at random. Therefore, on the basis of our results,
one can say that the treatment of the melanoma patients, Clark levels
III and IV, with the r.IFN alpha 2c is promising and that further inv
estigation is justified.