O. Ozgur et al., RECOMBINANT ALPHA-INTERFERON IN RENAL-ALLOGRAFT RECIPIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS-C, Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, 10(11), 1995, pp. 2104-2106
Background. Although chronic hepatitis C infection is one of the facto
rs that can lead to morbidity and mortality in renal allograft recipie
nts, treatment procedures have not been well documented. Interferon tr
eatment has been shown to be effective in the normalization of biochem
ical hepatitis C and in the clearing of hepatitis C virus RNA. However
, little is known concerning the efficacy and safety of interferon tre
atment in renal allograft recipients with chronic hepatitis C, Interfe
ron has also been accused of increasing renal allograft rejection. Met
hods. Recombinant alpha-interferon in a dose of 4.5 million units thre
e times per week was given to five renal-allograft recipients with chr
onic hepatitis C for 6 months, Besides biochemical investigations, liv
er histopathologies before and after the treatment course were also st
udied. Results. Interferon treatment was effective in two of the patie
nts, in another two cases renal function deteriorated during the treat
ment. In the last case ALT increased again after cessation of interfer
on therapy. Conclusion. We conclude that interferon seems to be modera
tely effective in treating chronic hepatitis C in renal allograft reci
pients, but a risk of renal functional deterioration and rejection rem