The optical properties (absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient
and the anisotropic factor of scattering) and fluorescence characteri
stics of normal and abnormal bronchial tissue were measured in vitro.
After adding additional blood optical properties to in vitro optical p
roperties of tissue, the in vivo bronchial fluorescence was simulated
and analyzed by Monte Carlo modeling. The Monte Carte simulation resul
ts showed that with an appropriate illumination and fluorescence colle
ction geometry, the distortion of in vivo fluorescence spectra of tiss
ue caused by variations of optical properties at different wavelengths
could be much reduced. Based on these results, a spectrofluorometry s
ystem was developed for the collection of in vivo laser-induced fluore
scence spectra of tissue during endoscopy. In comparing the in vivo fl
uorescence spectral shape of bronchial tissue collected by this system
with the intrinsic one obtained in vitro, we found no obvious distort
ion in the in vivo spectra. This was completely consistent with the an
alysis of Monte Carlo modeling. The in vivo measurement results demons
trated that significant differences in fluorescence intensity between
normal and diseased bronchial tissue (dysplasia, carcinoma in situ) ca
n be used to differentiate them from each other. Also, changes in fluo
rescence intensity are more robust for detecting abnormal tissues than
the differences in spectral characteristics.