Ciclosporin (CyA) is well established in the field of organ transplant
ation. We performed this trial with 35 patients to prove its efficacy
in the treatment of autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythemato
sus (SLE), nephrotic syndrome (NS), Behcet's disease, uveitis and rheu
matoid arthritis. First, 33 out of 35 patients received on average 2.5
2 +/- 0.64 mg CyA/kg body wt/d additional to corticosteroids, azathiop
rine, cyclophosphamide and/or therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE). The m
ost important success of CyA was an improvement in the symptomatology
(vasculitis, arthritis, serositis, cardial- and CNS-disorders). It imp
roved poorly the renal function. Anti-ds-DNA-antibodies and circulatin
g immuncomplexes increased by 57 and 27% during the CyA-treatment. Aft
er 1 to 12 months the previous required doses of immunsuppressive drug
s and the frequency of TPE could be reduced by 30 out of 35 patients b
y 40 to 100%. In 17 patients (8 with SLE, 5 with NS, 3 with Behcet's d
isease, 1 with uveitis) CyA was established only as monotherapy after
30 months.