Duration of estrus may exceed 24 h in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus vi
rginianus). We examined the influence of mating and injected gonadotro
phin releasing hormone (GnRH; 100 mu g/deer) on duration of estrus. Ni
ne adult females were monitored daily for estrous behavior during autu
mn and winter 1991-1992 (31 separate estrous cycles). Estrus was asses
sed using a tractable, epididyectomized adult male. From 13 November 1
991 to 3 January 1992 (experiment 1), adult females in estrus were ass
igned randomly as either control (unbred) or bred to the epididyectomi
zed male. In experiment 2, duration of estrus for females injected wit
h GnRH was compared with unbred females from 2 February 1992 to 23 Mar
ch 1992. For experiment 1, unbred females were in estrus longer (P = 0
.01) than were females that were bred ((X) over bar +/- SE; 2.3 +/- 0.
3 days versus 1.3 +/- 0.2 days, respectively). For experiment 2, durat
ion of estrus for unbred females treated with GnRH did not differ (P =
0.48) from those that were not bred (1.7 +/- 0.3 versus 2.0 +/- 0.3 d
ays, respectively). There was no significant (P = 0.71) change in the
duration of estrus for unbred females between the two experiments. Cop
ulation may shorten the duration of behavioral estrus. Administration
of exogenous GnRH did not shorten duration of estrus. Prolonged durati
on of estrus for unbred females may be a mechanism to help ensure all
females are bred even in populations with low numbers of males.