The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used to voltage clamp acutely
isolated myocytes at -60 mV and study effects of ionic environment on
Na/K pump activity. In quiescent guinea pig myocytes, normal intracel
lular Naf is similar to 6 mM, which gives a total pump current of 0.25
+/- 0.09 pA/pF, and an inward background sodium current of 0.75 +/- 0
.26 pA/pF. The average capacitance of a cell is 189 +/- 61 pF. Our mai
n conclusion is the total Na/K pump current comprises currents from tw
o different types of pumps, whose functional responses to the extracel
lular environment are different. Pump current was reversibly blocked w
ith two affinities by extracellular dihydro-ouabain (DHO). We determin
ed dissociation constants of 72 mu M for low affinity (type-1) pumps a
nd 0.75 mu M for high affinity (type-h) pumps. These dissociation cons
tants did not detectably change with two intracellular Na+ concentrati
ons, one saturating and one near half-saturating, and with two extrace
llular K+ concentrations of 4.6 and 1.0 mM. Ion effects on type-h pump
s were therefore measured using 5 mu M DHO and on total pump current u
sing 1 mM DHO. Extracellular K+ half-maximally activated the type-h pu
mps at 0.4 mM and the type-1 at 3.7 mM. Extracellular H+ blocked the t
ype-1 pumps with half-maximal blockade at a pH of 7.71 whereas the typ
e-h pumps were insensitive to extracellular pH. Both types of pumps re
sponded similarly to changes in intracellular-Na+, with 9.6 mM causing
half-maximal activation. Neither changes in intracellular pH between
6.0 and 7.2, nor concentrations of intracellular K+ of 140 mM or below
, had any effect on either type of pump. The lack of any effect of int
racellular K+ suggests the dissociation constants are in the molar ran
ge so this step in the pump cycle is not rate limiting under normal ph
ysiological conditions. Changes in intracellular-Na+ did not affect th
e half-maximal activation by extracellular K+, and vice versa. We foun
d DHO-blockade of Na/K pump current in canine ventricular myocytes als
o occurred with two affinities, which are very similar to those from g
uinea pig myocytes or rat ventricular myocytes. In contrast, isolated
canine Purkinje myocytes have predominantly the type-h pumps, insofar
as DHO-blockade and extracellular Kt activation are much closer to our
type-h results than type-1. These observations suggest for mammalian
ventricular myocytes: (a) the presence of two types of Na/K pumps may
be a general property. (b) Normal physiological variations in extracel
lular pH and K+ are important determinants of Na/K pump current. (c) N
ormal physiological variations in the intracellular environment affect
Na/K pump current primarily via the Na+ concentration. Lastly, Na/K p
ump current appears to be specifically tailored for a tissue by expres
sion of a mix of functionally different types of pumps.