Four hundred and fourteen cases of early gastric cancer (EGG), diagnos
ed between 1977 and 1993, were studied. The percentage of EGC increase
d from 1977 to 1984, but thereafter remained more or less stable, desp
ite a continuous increase in the number of endoscopic examinations. Th
ree hundred and ninety-six patients were followed up. Twenty-nine pati
ents died from the tumour, giving a 5-year survival rate of 82.8 per c
ent. The 'large' size type of EGG, the presence of submucosal penetrat
ion, and lymph-node metastasis showed a highly significant association
with a lower survival rate. A small number of patients died despite t
he presence of 'favourable' prognostic factors. Other still unknown fa
ctors may therefore be important in determining the aggressive behavio
ur of certain EGCs.