This paper reviews the main features of glucoamylase research describi
ng essentially more recent developments on microorganisms, production
and properties of glucoamylases. It is an important industrial enzyme
and is widely used in starch saccharification, brewing and distilling
industry. Glucoamylase can be derived from a wide variety of sources i
ncluding plants, animals and microorganisms. Most of the production te
chniques essentially, however, are based on microbial sources. It is a
n extracellular enzyme and has got second place (next to proteases) in
world's distribution and sales among industrial enzymes. Most of the
production of glucoamylase is carried out using liquid fermentation pr
ocess. Technique of solid state fermentation, however, have also been
employed for its production and recently this technique is gaining ren
ewed interest from researchers for its production. The paper also desc
ribes aspects related with the purification and characterization of gl
ucoamylase enzyme.