It has been known since ancient times that turtle hearts exhibit extra
ordinary tolerance to anoxia or ischemia. The mechanisms by which they
accomplish this remain obscure. The most important adaptation in anox
ic turtles is a rapid and dramatic decrease in metabolic rate. Nuclear
magnetic resonance measurements indicate that painted turtle (Chrysem
ys Picta) hearts respond to anoxia with a rapid decrease in phosphocre
atine (PCr; to 50% of control) after which PCr remains constant for at
least 4 h. ATP is defended and does not decrease while intracellular
pH (pHi) decreases by 0.2 pH units early in anoxia and is then maintai
ned constant. Softshelled turtles (Trionyx spinifer) have been demonst
rated to be far more sensitive than painted turtles to anoxia in vivo.
However, isolated hearts from softshelled turtles appear to be as ano
xia tolerant as those of Chrysemys. During ischemia there is also litt
le difference in cardiac performance; high energy phosphates, or pHi b
etween these two species. A peculiar feature of turtle hearts is an ex
tremely high concentration of phosphodiesters (PDE). The role of cytos
olic PDEs remains controversial but they may function as lysophospholi
pase inhibitors and thereby limit phospholipid turnover (Burt CT and R
ibolow H, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 108B: 11-20, 1994).
Whether PDEs promote anoxia/ischemia tolerance is unknown but these s
tresses can result in membrane lipid dysfunction in mammals. Metabolic
control, acid-base, and phospholipid homeostasis all play a role in a
noxia and ischemia tolerance in turtle hearts. These physiologic proce
sses are interdependent, and how they interact in these animals is unk
nown, but they are experimentally accessible by modern analytical meth