A pBR322-based vector, pCI195, containing a 4.2-kb region of the conju
gative transposon Tn919 was used as a vector for gene cloning in Clost
ridium difficile. The plasmid was found to integrate into the chromoso
me of a Bacillus subtilis strain that contained Tn916 Delta E. Souther
n blot analysis of the recombinant demonstrated that pCI195 had insert
ed into Tn916 Delta E by a recombination event. The transposon::plasmi
d structure could be transferred, by filter mating, from B. subtilis t
o C. difficile (at a frequency of 10(-8) per donor), where it entered
the chromosome at a specific site. Segregation of plasmid and transpos
on markers was observed on transfer, although the Tn916 Delta E::pCI19
5 was stably maintained in C. difficile. To demonstrate that pCI195 co
uld be used for gene cloning in C. difficile, a 1.1-kb fragment of the
C. difficile toxin B gene was cloned into pCI195 to generate pPPM 100
. Tn916 Delta E::pPPM100 was transferred into a nontoxigenic C. diffic
ile strain by filter mating, where it entered the genome at a specific
site. pCI195 should be useful as a general cloning vector for C. diff
icile, as the transposon::plasmid structure could be transferred to di
fferent C. difficile strains. This is the first report of gene