In a five-year case-control study (1988 to 1993) at Assir Central Hosp
ital (AGH), Abha (8,000 feet above sea level), Saudi Arabia, 92 of 129
patients suspected of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) were studied with
asccending contrast venography (CV) (74 patients, 80.4%) or Doppler ul
trasonography (DUS) (18 patients, 19.6%). Female-to-male ratio was 2.3
to 1. Age range of patients was twelve to ninety years; mean age was
44.45 yrs +/- 17.38 years. DVT hospital incidence was 18 per 10,000 ad
missions. The most common associated factors included immobilization d
ue to chronic diseases (21.7%), trauma and surgery (19.6%), and pregna
ncy and oral contraceptives usage (16.3%). The most common symptom and
sign were limb pain and tenderness (95.6%). Limb swelling was noted i
n 93.5% of patients. The left lower limb was more commonly affected th
an the right. There was a definite increase of DVT during the winter m
onths. Altitude was not a contributory factor. Pulmonary embolism was
the greatest complication.