Since its inception, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has generated ex
pectations that vary among different groups of people, including the g
eneral public, university researchers and extension specialists, and g
rowers. Because growers ultimately implement IPM strategies and tactic
s, their expectations for IPM are paramount if IPM programs are to be
adopted successfully. A series of regional workshops were conducted th
roughout the United States in 1993. These workshops enabled growers to
express their opinions about constraints against adopting IPM and sol
utions for overcoming these constraints. Research and extension specia
lists at land-grant institutions should address growers' constraints a
nd solutions by focusing research and extension programs primarily on
nonchemical IPM tactics, by strengthening the links among research, ex
tension, and implementation of IPM tactics, and by making a concerted
effort to educate the general public about IPM.