Laboratory-scale biologically active sand filters were used to evaluat
e the effect of natural organic matter (NOM) source and empty bed cont
act time (EBCT) on the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) from coag
ulated and ozonated NOM solutions. Ozonation at dosages in the range o
f 2.0 to 4.0 mg ozone/mg TOC removal in the biofilters ranged from 16
to 33 percent of the biofilter influent concentration. TOC removal was
significantly affected by the source of the organic carbon but was in
dependent of EBCT in the range of 4 to 20 min. In the context of an en
tire water treatment plan, including coagulation and biofiltration, th
e contribution with total removals across the entire treatment train.
In one biofiltration experiment, however, removal of the biodegradable
fraction of TOC was 100 percent, suggesting that biofilters may be ef
fective in reducing subsequent regrowth in distribution systems.