Telomeres at the ends of linear chromosomes of eukaryotes protect the
chromosome termini from degradation and fusion. While telomeric replic
ation/elongation mechanisms have been studied extensively, the functio
ns of subterminal sequences are less well understood. In general, subt
erminal regions can be quite poly morphic, varying in size from organi
sm to organism, and differing among chromosomes within an organism. Th
e subterminal regions of Drosophila melanogaster are not well characte
rized today, and it is not known which and how many different componen
ts they contain. Here we present the molecular characterization of DNA
components and their organization in the subterminal region of the le
ft arm of chromosome 2 of the Oregon RC wildtype strain of D. melanoga
ster; including a minisatellite with a 457 bp repeat length. Two disti
nct polymorphic arrangements at 2L were found and analyzed, supporting
the Drosophila telomere elongation model by retrotransposition. The h
igh incidence of terminal chromosome deficiencies occurring in natural
Drosophila populations is discussed in view of the telomere structure
at 2L.