Within nursing, there is a strong demand for high-quality, cost-effect
ive clinical education experiences that facilitate student learning in
the clinical setting, The clinical learning environment (CLE) is the
interactive network of farces within the clinical setting that influen
ce the students' clinical learning outcomes, The identification of fac
tors that characterize CLE could lead to strategies that foster the fa
ctors most predictive of desirable student learning outcomes and ameli
orate those which may have a negative impact on student outcomes, The
CLE scale is a 23-item instrument with five subscales: staff-student r
elationships, nurse manager commitment, patient relationships, interpe
rsonal relationships, and student satisfaction, These factors have str
ong substantive face validity and construct validity, as determined by
confirmatory factor analysis, Reliability coefficients range from hig
h (0.85) to marginal (0.63), The CLE scale provides the educator with
a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate affectively relevant facto
rs in the CLE, direct resources to areas where improvement may be requ
ired, and nurture those areas functioning well, It will assist in the
application of resources in a cost-effective, efficient, productive ma
nner, and will ensure that the clinical learning experience offers the
nursing student the best possible learning outcomes.